Can Information Technology Repair Damages Caused by the Great Resignation?

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Can IT Repair Damages Caused by the Great Resignation?

Finding good employees has always been challenging, but today, it’s harder than it has ever been. Unfortunately, we don’t see any improvements anytime soon. The share of workers who voluntarily left their jobs hit a new record in September 2021, according to data from the Bureau of Labor and Statistics. A record 4.4 million US employees (3 percent of the workforce) quit their jobs. In August, 65% of employees in the United States were seeking new employment, doubling the percentage from May. In all, 20.2 million workers left their jobs from May through September. Resignations were also up in other continents – the phenomenon is worldwide. If you have been unable to retain your employees, you are not alone. Surveys have shown anywhere from 25 percent to 40 percent of workers are thinking about quitting their jobs now. In the field of technology, the crisis is considerably greater. According to the latest research from Talent LMS and Workable, 72 percent of technology professionals in the United States are thinking about leaving their current positions in the next 12 months. It’s clear that the truth and expectations of today’s work experience are becoming increasingly conflicting. Experts have produced different theories to explain The Great Resignation. There have been many explanations for The Great Resignation, from government stimulus checks to the sudden increase in the number of remote workers to millennials( who have been described by others as “spoiled,” “lazy” and “entitled”). As more individuals leave their position, the daily lives of people who remain on the job will only get tougher. This certainly applies to the tech industry as more and more IT departments are becoming understaffed, and as the movement continues to impact tech teams, employees are dealing with significant downtime, cyberattacks, and implementation slowdowns. This is a global crisis. We think it’s important for everyone to know why people are resigning in waves.

Why Are People Quitting in Such High Numbers?

After reviewing interviews, surveys, and reports, we uncovered a variety of reasons why people quit during The Great Resignation.
  • Annoyance with devices, networks, systems that don’t seem to work well, a trend heightened during the COVID-19 pandemic when many employees were at home trying to figure out how to use their devices. There’s also confusion about what actions should be taken when technology doesn’t work properly.
  • Lack of control over workspaces and processes. Many employees admitted to quitting because of a lack of control. Those employees believed they had more to contribute to the workplace, but they were not given an opportunity.
  • Many employees felt their wages or salary were too low given their high workloads. Employees also felt they were not given the recognition they deserved.
  • Lack of work-life balance was also a reason why people quit in record numbers. The transition to a remote workforce gave employees a taste of what life was like when they didn’t spend hours upon hours in the office.
  • Lack of training and growth opportunities. More employees want opportunities to grow in the workplace and believe that training could be the key.
  • Mentally, physically, and emotionally drained.

How Can Information Technology Reverse the Effects of the Great Resignation?

While businesses and organizations of all sectors are searching for answers and making an attempt to figure this out, the truth is that technology is a contributing factor to employees leaving their jobs. Technology is frustrating employees, creating discord, preventing employee progression and empowerment, and causing a stir of isolation and helplessness. If there is a silver lining to all of this, the good news is that better technological innovation can be a major key to addressing this issue. Here’s what Information Technology can do to repair the damage caused by The Great Resignation. Better Communication and Collaboration Tools Employees need to have enhanced natural communications and collaboration. To enhance communication and culture in the workplace, employees need the latest collaboration tools. Collaboration tools that are effective and easy to use will not only help employees with getting their work done but will also help them focus on the team-building and psychological aspects of the workplace. Automated Tools Businesses and organizations can implement advanced technology tools for the HR department, but the human touch should not disappear. Automated HR can be a major contributor to the employee burnout issue. When it comes to making HR-related changes, such as employment status, pay, benefits, and other personnel events that can impact an employee, employees should always hear this during face-to-face communication. Employees should not be made aware of these changes via an email or automated text message. Choose Your Technology Wisely When choosing technology for the workplace, make sure the technology you choose will not result in employee burnout. As each month passes, Artificial Intelligence (AI) gains more advances in technology. However, Artificial Intelligence does not always have a positive impact. AI can also have negative effects. In some cases, AI can contribute to fatigue or it can relieve fatigue. AI that fully replaces human interaction can quickly annoy and frustrate employees, and leave them feeling isolated. When businesses and organizations implement AI, it should be used to enhance human performance because it can enhance employees, making them feel supported, empowered, and engaged. In other cases, using AI to take on repetitive tasks can give employees more time to do things that AI tools cannot do. If automation is going to be applied in the workplace, it should be used to help and empower employees, not replace them. We have uncovered many reasons behind The Great Resignation. However, we wanted to highlight the role technology has played and will continue to play in employees leaving their jobs in record numbers, as well as the role technology can play in bringing people back into the workplace. Technology can create a flexible, engaging, humane, and empowering workplace that makes employees want to stay and not leave in record numbers. Are you ready to invest more in IT and your company’s mission? Actively invest in your IT systems and help increase productivity, enhance data security, and expand your device’s storage capacity. Trends and movements will come and go, so we encourage you to seek the guidance of IT experts when considering such an investment. Contact Baroan Technologies today to schedule a consultation. Special thanks to Ulistic HPC Member James Forbis with Cincinnati IT services company 4BIS for his help with this article.

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Baroan is a complete IT services & IT support company working with organizations in Elmwood Park and across the United States of America.

Written by Guy Baroan 
By: Guy Baroan 
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