Empowering business owners to make more informed decisions.
2020 was a wake-up call for the whole world. The business landscape radically changed almost overnight. We needed a way to help our clients adapt to the “new normal” and not just survive but thrive going forward. We needed to find a way to measure our clients Digital Maturity – how well they were adapting and utilizing technology to push their businesses ahead of the competition, increase efficiencies and profit. We didn’t just need to understand their maturity level, but we needed to provide a guided pathway for them to improve their Digital Transformation. After exploring numerous programs and toolsets, we are happy to announce that we have applied for and been certified by The Digital Maturity Group. Utilizing the DMG framework allows us to gauge our clients’ Digital Maturity and quickly deliver a plan to achieve their goals and future proof their business.
Digital Transformation Explained
You may or may not be familiar with the term “Digital Transformation.” In our opinion, it is a bit overused and misunderstood, but the concept is solid. To keep it simple, we define it as follows:“Digital Transformation is the integration of digital technologies into all areas of your business, resulting in fundamental changes to how your business operates.”
Like it or not, every company is now a digital company. Digital Transformation is either forced upon them by customers and the market, or they have embraced it and are ahead of the curve. We firmly believe that all our clients are better served by taking a proactive approach and embracing digital transformation where and when it makes sense. This is where most business owners suffer – what technologies and solutions should be implemented that really moves the needle in their businesses. We know that it is not their fault as keeping up with technology is difficult. We’ve seen first-hand that even with an in-house IT team, businesses are just not exposed to the rapidly changing solutions available to the marketplace.Measuring Your Return on Technology Investment
By using the tools and methodologies provided by the Digital Maturity Group, we are able to measure your return on technology investment. We do this by calculating you unique “Digital Maturity Score”.“Digital Maturity Score is the metric that now allows you to measure your Digital Transformation progression.”
Just like EBITDA, you can now use your Digital Maturity Score to get a crystal-clear picture of your Digital Transformation status and gauge the return on your technology investment.What is your Digital Maturity score?
Where does your organization sit on the Digital Maturity scale? Finally, you can get clarity on your company’s digital strengths and weaknesses, allowing you to embark on a journey to digital maturity. To become a digital leader, you and your organization need to show you can excel in many different categories. With this high-level assessment you will finally clarify where you are with technology.Next Steps
How about we set up a time over the next week to schedule a one-to-one chat with us? No sales talk, just high-level conversation about your business strategies around technology and we can take it from there.