Why Advanced Endpoint Protection is Better than Antivirus

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Why Advanced Endpoint Protection is Better than Antivirus

Your company likely has cybersecurity support from antivirus, anti-spam anti-malware programs. Though these types of programs attack hazardous viruses, have they given you a false sense of security? If you compare advanced endpoint protection to antivirus, anti-spam and anti-malware programs, you may have been lulled into thinking that you’re doing enough to keep your company’s sensitive information safe. Unfortunately, the trifecta of protective software is unlikely to provide the level of protection that your organization needs against next-generation cyberthreats.

Antivirus, Anti-Spam and Anti-Malware Programs Explained

Antivirus, anti-spam and anti-malware programs typically use virus definition databases of known viruses. These programs detect infected files when they come into and leave your system. This means the programs rely on regular updates to the virus definition database the programs reference when a new virus comes along. For example, when an infected file shows up in your system it’s either known or unknown. If known, your antivirus, anti-spam and anti-malware programs will most likely catch and disable it. If it’s new or unknown, it can sail through your cybersecurity protocols and infect your operating systems.

Advanced Endpoint Protection Works Differently

Advanced endpoint protection is better. This layer of cybersecurity has an intelligence factor that not only identifies all existing viruses, but logs new threats as well. When a virus attacks your system, the advance endpoint tracks the activity of this new file. If a threat is detected, advanced endpoint protection immediately stops that process from running. In the case of a ransomware attack advanced endpoint protection immediately starts backing up your company’s files and cleans them. While this is going on, advanced endpoint technology notifies the software company, in the background, that this activity is taking place. This adds a critical layer of cybersecurity to your existing system.

Why Advanced Endpoint Protection is a Vital Component of Your Company’s Cybersecurity Profile

In 2019, there were over 1,473 data breaches and over 164.8 million records being exposed to high-security threats. These breaches cost companies millions. According to auth0.com, Marriott Hotels suffered a month of cyberattacks compromising the personal information of 5.2 million guests before the malicious files were revealed. The article also includes this from Verizon’s 2020 Data Breach Report, errors are the second source of breaches falling just behind hacking. Misconfiguration errors have increased since 2017 and are mostly due to “internet-exposed storage discovered by security researchers and unrelated third parties.”

Why the Managed IT and Cybersecurity Company You Choose Matters

This is why companies in the New Jersey, New York and Connecticut areas turn to Baroan Technologies. When you work with us, you enjoy automatic updates and maintenance of your cybersecurity solutions and monitoring. We do this by first evaluating the cybersecurity protocols you have in place and work with you to come up solutions that fit your budget and your needs. Visit our YouTube Channel to listen to this video for more on this topic presented by Guy Baroan, President of Baroan Technologies. Also, feel free to schedule a quick consultation and review of your cybersecurity platform to ensure it’s updated with the latest technologies to address necessary industry cybersecurity protocols and government regulations.

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Baroan is a complete IT services & IT support company working with organizations in Elmwood Park and across the United States of America.

Written by Guy Baroan 
By: Guy Baroan